Entrevista a un estranger

dimarts, 3 de juny del 2008

-Excuse me miss/mister, can you do to interview for a project to high school?
- Can you take a photo please?
-What is your name?
-Where are you from?
- Are you a tourist or are you live in Barcelona?
I live in Barcelona.
-How many time are you here?
Eight months.
-Are you working or are you a student?
I'm working.
-What are you visited to Barcelona?
Catedral, barrio gòtico, parc Güell ...
-Why are you going to Barcelona?
Because are the beautiful city
-What is your favourite monument of Barcelona?
The Sagrada Familia
-Are you loved Barcelona?
Yes, I'm loving Barcelona.
Thanks to answer the questions and they hope you like Barcelona. Goodbye.
